Welcome to Les Sourciers !
Hydroponics for all !
It’s been a long time since I had this project in my head : creating a new version of our website to give access to our knowledge to all the english speakers of the world !
When we started our blog, few years ago, I was always translating the articles in spanish and english … but I was a huge amount of work and so, little by little, I stopped publishing in any other tong than my mother tong.
Nevertheless, I was still receiving questions from people from many countries around the world and we only had english in common to exchange. I was very frustrated to not be able to give them access to everything that we do : the training, the youtube videos, the blog,… as it is all in french (which is maybe a beautiful language, but a liiittle bit complicated also).
Thus, we decided that 2020 would be the year to create an english version of Les Sourciers : we speak english, so let’s do this ! As usual, we “home-made” everything : small business it is, home-made tricks we will always do ! Therefore, you might notice that some sentence are not quite english, or that we give you links to french training… Well, please be kind with us and excuse us : it is an ongoing project and everything is not perfect yet !
To conclude, we hope that you will enjoy this english version of Les Sourciers. We hope that you will find the answers to all the hydroponics question that you have… and hope to see you soon in our greenhouse in the Gers !