Our Partners
Our partners are numerous and we are very proud to work with them !
Find out the list of all those who contribute with us to change the agriculture of tomorrow. Hydroponics and aquaponics farmers colleagues, researchers, suppliers, consultants and teachers. It’s a world where everyone knows each other and shares a common idea : eat well while respecting our environment.
Eating well means being concerned about growing good, nutritious plants in a sustainable way and close to consumers.
If you think that your activity could find an echo with our project, do not hesitate to contact us to become one of our partners!
! Most of our partners have French websites !
A special note about the AFAUP, a French association in which we are an active member; Marion being the Vice President.
AFAUP stands for “Association Française d’Agriculture Urbaine Professionnel” meaning “French Association of Professional Urban Agriculture”.
This association, which we co-founded in 2016, aims to create agreements between urban agriculture professionals in order to promote the development of a multiplicity of solutions to urban issues. By creating links between residents of the city, agricultural world and population, we are keen to see the development of a multifaceted urban agriculture. Thus, the AFAUP represents many different projects, embodying the 50 shades of urban agriculture. A mix between associative and entrepreneurial, social and productive, low tech and high-tech…Â Farming on the ground, on roofs or even in car parks !